Thursday, May 20, 2004

A sunny day in Boston...

Sunny days in Boston in any other season other than summertime is something to write home about because it's few and far between. When it does happen, it's an almost perfect day. It's this ideal mixture of just enough sunshine to warm you up but with a cool breeze to keep it from being humid. On days like these, you find Bostonians dressing down like they are headed for the beach. Capris or shorts, flip-flops and tank tops in all of the happy, spring colors. It is quite a change from the long coats in deep, dark winter colors. Everyone will rave about how beautiful a day it is. I guess it's the classic case of appreciating the things that you don't always have. I never understood how people can obssess about the weather until I moved here. Before, all days were the same to me since I come from a country where probably 330 out of 365 days are sunny and warm. I never checked the weather unless there was a typhoon or storm warning. In the last couple of years, I find myself checking the weather every single morning in order to dress appropriately as New England weather has proven to be very unpredictable.

On American Idol...

To the disappointment of Hawaiians and Filipinos all over, Jasmine Trias got voted off American Idol. Jasmine, as young, pretty and popular as she is, just didn't measure up to the performances of the other two finalists, Fantasia and Diana. She sings quite well and is a sentimental favorite of mine (La Toya was my choice to be American Idol), but it was time for her to go. Her performances weren't strong enough to top the other two. It would have been bad for her if she stayed as the resentment against her was steadily growing. This way, people still think of her in a favorable manner and that is better for her in the long run, PR and record sales-wise. It really is not her fault that she topped La Toya in that one show. Everyone thought La Toya was a sure thing and probably gave their sympathy vote to Jasmine. AI or not, La Toya has it made. I am sure she'll be fielding offers from all sides once her contract with AI finishes. As for Jasmine, even if she doesn't make it in the music biz nationally, you know that Hawaiians will always support her no matter what she does.

So now it's on with the final two, Fantasia Barrino's incredibly sensitive, unique, very endearing style and amazing vocal prowess against Diana DeGarmo's rah-rah cheerleader personality and often astounding "diaphragmic" strength. Let's see who wins the hearts of the fickle AI voting audience.


Anonymous said...

Reading your commentary on American Idol is like reading the ESPN commentaries on the "page 2" section of the ESPN website. You really break it down, sista'!

Anonymous said...

I like your commentary on American Idol. I am not a religious American Idol watcher, but reading your blog entry enticed me to watch tonights' finale...which is a big accomplishment considering tonight hosts the Lakers/T-Wolves game as well as a Giants game. I will be using Tivo and my channel surfing skills to take all of tonights' events in.