Thursday, May 13, 2004

Choices, choices...

A fork in the road ahead...deciding which one to take can be agonizing. You're quite content where you are. Being on cruise control can be quite comfortable and worry-free. Changing speed or making a turn switches it off. Manoeuvering into a new direction might take you to a road that is a less comfortable drive, although staying the course does not guarantee a smooth one either. So what do you do?

That is where I am right now. Do I stay on the road that's familiar and comfortable? Or do I take a chance and go somewhere uncharted? I will always wonder where that unfamiliar road would have taken me should I decide not to take it. But if I do, I may end up somewhere disappointing.

Making a decision is never easy. I know I have to make one soon and I will, after careful thought and prayer. Wish me well.


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