Friday, July 01, 2005

Humble Pie

I guess it is an acquired taste. Some people will never go near it, and some will learn to appreciate it. Much like cod liver oil, humble pie is something we all would rather not have. It does not taste that great. However, having a dose or two once in a while keeps us from what I call ‘egotistical obesity’.

I have had more than my share of this er… beneficial treat. Mouthing off or doing things on impulse for self-aggrandizement or any other selfish motive earns me the right to have it. I have eaten my humble pie, both in private and in public. When I was younger, my Mom and family made sure I had it to keep me steady. I didn’t appreciate it then, but looking back, I am thankful that they did. Now at the end of each day, I try to see if I need a piece of it just so I can keep myself ‘fit’. Having my own personal serving also seems to keep me from indulging in public. Nonetheless, it doesn’t mean that it never happens anymore.

We should all be careful to keep sweet the words that come out of our mouths, in case we might have to eat them one day. Let us try to not be the fools that we are most of the time. The words we utter will come back to comfort or haunt us someday in the future. It comes in the form of people to whom we have spewed out quoting us, or circumstances that we have set rolling with the words we speak.

I recommend a daily dose of Humble Pie. Like many things nutritious, the more you have it, the less difficult it is to swallow. Nevertheless, it is not something one craves to have. It may never become a pleasant treat, but a regular serving is good for our soul.


P.S. I was going through my stats, and found someone accessing this link of a blog of mine, exactly a year ago.

Both are entries on humility. What are the chances?


Anonymous said...

Humble pie - unfortunately not as american as apple pie, but if we all kept it on the menu, we'd save ourselves a lot of unnecessary aggravation.

Anonymous said...

I need that from time to time. hehe

Hey P, we have to ym one of these days. it has been a long time.

MadMuse said...

Hi, M!
Yup, been a while. Hope to catch you soon in ym. Let's catch up...