Friday, September 24, 2004

'Writing On Empty'

I am totally drained and uninspired. I am unable to expound on any topic, even the ones I feel strongly about. My mind's 'low-batt' sign is on. I was asked to write for an online magazine that's being launched called Pinoy Expats. The e-zine's target audience is the Filipino migrants in Europe. The 'Editor-in-Cheap', as I call her, is Melissa, a friend and former colleague of mine in the Philippines. She wants to do a monthly publication that will help network the Filipinos that live in the European states. I asked her why she would want something from me. Yes, I am an émigré, but a US one. Yes, I live in what is probably the most "European" city in the United States, but I am still thousands of miles away across the Atlantic. She recalled that I did a one-month trek in Europe a few years back and she asked me to write about my experience. After some thought, I happily obliged. I considered it an honor to be asked and be part of her worthwhile project. I worked on that article for about ten days. Writing, cutting, pasting, re-writing, editing, proof-reading, wasn't easy. I had to relive that time and found myself vividly recalling my experience then. It was fun revisiting the places in my mind and remembering everything that transpired. Of course, it's all interesting to me since they are my memories. The challenge was to make it fun and appealing to other people as well. Anyway, I turned in my work yesterday and she seemed to be really happy with it. Let's see what survives her cuts and snips when the magazine goes online on September 29. Heh heh...


Vince said...

Hey, do let us know the link to the webpage so that we can read up on your article. Ciao.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Love the artwork and the content sounds interesting.
Good job ladies!
(Who's the artist?)
-Weekend Chief