Thursday, September 16, 2004

Silly Gander

Hubby calls me 'silly goose'. If I'm a silly goose, he is definitely a silly gander. In fact, he's the silliest of all. We've almost completed year four and I can truly say that we have had a whole lot of fun. He leaves me in stitches with his quips or the things that he does, ranging from a one-word response or a barely noticeable expression to downright slapstick. His playfulness even comes across in his emails to me during the day at work. If you find me smiling at the monitor, chances are he has just sent me a silly, sometimes bordering on ridiculous, message. His humor is mostly subtle but all the more funny because it takes one by surprise. Whenever I'm in a mood or throwing one of my very rare PMS-induced tantrums (?), he usually finds a way to snap me out of it and have me laughing before too long. His funny but loving ways has managed to defuse a lot of tense moments in our relationship.

If you ask me what factors make a marriage work, I would definitely put sense of humor (from both parties) up there, along with the big words of love and commitment. Life is short and challenging enough as it is. It's great to have a partner that you can laugh with. I love it that this goose has a gander, and a really silly one at that.


Anonymous said...

I found this many years after you posted it. On 3/25/2011

It is sweet. I hope you are stil together.

MadMuse said...

Thank you! Yes, we are still together and we are stil having fun. It isn't perfect and easy, but that the sense of humor really helps. :)