Saturday, October 27, 2007

Things Better Left Unsaid

I am lifting this off someone else's blog. The rules are to list (20) things you want to say to 20 unnamed people but know you never will.

I thought I'd have some therapy making this list. Since I make it a point to try and always verbalize whatever is good and encouraging, you will find that my list only contains the not-so-good stuff unlike the other lists I've read. I usually am straightforward to close friends who are secure in the fact that I love them enough to tell them the truth. I expect the same from them about things I need to work on. But as you can imagine with the rest of the world, there are a gazillion sarcastic/honest remarks that remain where it should - in my head. :)

1. Stop lying to yourself and the world. Just admit it and move on. Others have.

2. Believe me, you're not all that. The sooner you realize it, the more you can focus on the qualities that you do have.

3. Grow up and get a self-esteem. Adding women to your cap like feathers may win you the approval of shallow and chauvinistic men such as yourself, but it doesn't win you the admiration of people with integrity.

4. Stop living vicariously through her. Go out and get your own life.

5. Do yourself a huge favor and leave him. He's not good for you...or anyone else.

6. I am not the darn Help Desk. Please call them instead of me!

7. Hunni, the Elvira look went out of fashion decades ago.

8. Stay away from me. I already told you I'm married, creep.

9. Enough side remarks and prattle. Let's just move on to the next, please!

10. One of these days, you're gonna get what's coming to you and it's too bad I won't be at the ringside watching and eating popcorn.

11. Your wife is not your slave and baby maker. She's a human being with her own needs and dreams that you should help nurture.

12. If you're so brilliant, how come you're living off the state?

13. You think you're being sly but people can read you like a book. Everyone's just too polite to say anything.

14. I think everyone has a purpose in life. Yours is to serve as a warning to others.

15. Keeping your wife from getting her legal status so you can control her says a whole lot about what's inside you. You need serious help.

16. It's just something I normally do for everyone so please don't mistake it for anything other than friendly consideration.

17. You truly do your children a disservice. I hope they don't turn out like you.

18. did you do your job before I came?

19. I'm glad you've become a humbler person. I really couldn't stand you before.

20. After decades of being here, you still don't get it. The world does not revolve around you.

Whew! This took me longer than I thought. But there, it's done. Will I ever say it? Who knows. Haha!


Toron said...

I saw this on lea salonga's blog and was about to post something similar on mine but yeah, it takes a while to think about it.

MadMuse said...

Hi, Toron! I had a tough time and I didn't think I would. But running through the list in my mind made me realize that a lot of the things I thought of were disqualified because I had actually said it to the person concerned. Haha! So, I only listed the ones that I didn't get to say. I'm sure I'll come up with more with time, though.

Good luck with your list!