Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pants On Fire

Are you a liar? I am, at times.

What causes us to lie?


Or do we like to tell ourselves that it's kindness because we're sparing someone's feelings? Is it because we feel that the other person can't handle the truth? Are they emotionally or intellectually inept? Would it be better to continually lie to someone and keep them enabled and in the dark or tell them the truth even if it might hurt and give them a chance to deal with it? Like when someone tells me I'm fat, it might sting but then I can lose weight and look and feel better physically. Just please don't let it be the first thing that comes out of your mouth when you greet me! :)

Yeah, we're all guilty of lying, at one time or another, and some more often than others. It's so insulting when we're the one being lied to. We feel disrespected - taken for a fool.

Maybe that's what we should think of before we lie to someone next time.

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