Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Pissing Matches

I've come across a few people who love to have pissing matches. A fierce need (a.k.a. insecurity) to display their supposed mental prowess probably drives them to always show off their acquired knowledge. They will argue points that you're not arguing with them about, and they will play devil's advocate to any issue discussed disregarding whatever personal experience you have had about the subject matter. They want to convince you that your experience was somehow faulty, or just plain imagined - because really now, they know better.

I get tired listening to such people. That's why when I hear them starting again, I shift my attention to something or someone else and leave them to the other conversation participants (a.k.a victims). I consider them conversation perverts - those who like people to watch or listen to them while they do mental and verbal masturbation as the pleasure in the discourse is theirs alone.

Pissing matches really solve nothing because in the end - no matter who pisses higher, all you have is a whole lot of piss.

Can you tell that I am royally pissed? :)


Anonymous said...

Running out of office and it hit me it's Pilars birthday today! Have a great one, hope hubby surprises you big time. kisses Marina

MadMuse said...

Hey Marina! Thanks for the bday greeting and wishes. And yes, hubby was his usual thoughtful self and surprised me. Hope you're doing well. Email me!!!!

The Menhabees said...

Yes, Pia, it's very obvious that you are really pissed:0).

Every time I pump into one of those "pissing matches", I remember this joke about a scientist that said to God : "See, I have the knowledge to cure illnesses, replace organs and even clone people. I can do anything you do.I don't need you anymore." God said: "Really? can you create anything from dirt?! The scientist said: "Sure. All I need is time to conduct my researches."

He bent down to pick up some dirt to examine it. God said "NO MY DEAR..GO GET YOU OWN DIRT.":0)


MadMuse said...

SIL - I love that story! As men's knowledge increases, sadly so does our arrogance. It's a combination that leads to folly. Scary!