Thursday, July 06, 2006

Le Tour Cliché - Conclusion

Chugging through the Rhine Riverbanks

As we were sitting on our last day of train travel in Europe, I was disappointed to learn that the train we were taking back to Cologne en route to Belgium was not the express one. However, the disappointment slowly dissipated as we chugged through small, sleepy towns along the Rhine River. On the opposite bank, we saw different quaint little hamlets with their respective church steeples, and the occasional old castle overlooking it. At one point, a train was going through one on the other side, in the opposite direction we were going. It brought to mind those little play towns sold during Christmas as holiday scenes that come with lights, which are set up as part of the Christmas décor. As I took in the very scenic ride, I couldn’t help but look back at the last two weeks that we had just spent. Traveling may have cost us a fair bundle, but one just can’t put a price on that kind of time spent with a loved one. I know I almost sound like a MasterCard commercial, but there’s really nothing like shared experiences to further build friendships and relationships.


Our last day was supposed to have been spent resting and recouping from the hectic trip. Our wanderlust though, wouldn’t let us sit still. We found ourselves walking to the station to buy a ticket to the Belgian coast of Ostend. There, we had a relaxing time by the seaside, walking, people-watching, eating and drinking in the sights. We treated ourselves to a mouth-watering lunch by the shore, capped with Kassis and of course, to a last serving of authentic Belgian waffles for dessert. I expected a normal size waffle but I was served one the size of a huge plate. When I expressed surprise at the size, the woman happily chimed, “Big waffle for a big woman!” LOL! She meant well I think, but it made me think even more that my pant-ripping episode was indeed due to the increasing size of my derrière. Then and there, I resolved to go on a diet the minute I set foot in the US. What a highlight that was of my last touring day in Europe!

Au revoir

The next day, we bid Europe goodbye as our Belgian host, Marina dropped us off at the airport. I was relieved that we made it through 15 days of traveling without any incidents. As it happened, not long after we arrived at the airport, Hubby looked at me with his baby browns and nervously whispered, “Er…Hunni, I don’t have my wallet.” Our minds were awhirl with all the phone calls we needed to make and things we needed to do if the wallet was lost or stolen. We simmered for an hour before a call to Marina was made as she was only getting home and could only confirm then that Hubby indeed left his wallet under the bed. It didn’t end there. Our flight to London was delayed so when we arrived in Heathrow, we literally ran from one gate to another to make our connection to Boston. There went my plans to go shopping at Heathrow’s Duty Free shop! And despite reassurances from the ground stewardess that our luggage made the plane as we did, it arrived two nights later after we did.

A less than ideal ending to an almost perfect vacation, but we really couldn't complain. Better that those things happened then than at any other time during our trip. Besides, these little incidents seem to just add character to any event in life when one's looking back. This vacation has given us more beautiful and funny memories to tuck away in our hearts.


tintin said...

I've really enjoyed reading your ruminations on your tour. I loved the pic of the PINOYexpats meet. I'm glad you had a great time and good luck on the diet.

MadMuse said...

Tin - We are just thankful to be able to get away on that vacation And now the diet continues! :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you and M enjoyed your European sojourn.

J, JP and I are happy that you were able to visit us here in Frankfurt. We had fun.

MadMuse said...

Melissa, sa uulitin ha! :)