Saturday, March 25, 2006

Chatty Saturday

A couple of Saturdays ago, I spent the entire day chatting. Except for a few bathroom breaks and quick trips to the kitchen for some juice or water, I was stuck to my computer chair all day. If Hubby wasn't nice enough to bring me food at timely intervals, I would have starved!!!!

I logged on mid-morning to find my nephew, Mikey, online. For some odd reason, this teenager loves chatting with his aunt, :) so we chat until about 11:30 am, which was 12:30 am his time in Manila. Before he logged off though, another person from Manila came online. I was surprised to find that it was my close friend, Bambi. I hadn't seen her online in years, so I was thrilled when a chat window appeared that said, "Kamusta?"

We caught up on both our lives and she updated me on the latest from back home. We were yakking until 3:00 am her time. She had church and a family lunch the next day so she had to hit the sack. I checked my clock - it was 2:00 pm. As soon as she logged off, my friend Amor who lives in Los Angeles logged on. So we start chatting when my friend Melissa, from Germany, makes an appearance. I was having a ball chatting with them individually that the day literally flew by. Before we knew it, Melissa was waaaay past her bedtime in Germany at 1:00 am (7:00 pm my time), and Amor had to tend to her bulilit, Alizza. This is where Victoria (from SF area) came in to take up the slack and we chatted the night away. I was so caught up in the conversation that when my eyes happened to look at the task bar, it said 11:30 pm.

"HOLY COW!" I told her. "It's already 11:30 pm and I started chatting this morning around 10:00 am!" Victoria was laughing, as she always does at all my antics.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't accomplish one thing that day. Well, except maybe to bond with a few of the special people in my life. Ang daldal ko, SOBRA!!!


Anonymous said...

hey Pia -- bilib ako sa 'yong chatting abilities. Kung ako yan eh sumakit na likod ko! har har

I don't log on to YM much but maybe one of these days, we can chat too! :-)

MadMuse said...

Well, let me know kung kelan pwede. Baka kayo mapagod! Isa akong tried and tested Marathon Chatter...Hahah!

tintin said...

Your hubby was so nice to let you get away with that! Woody would have yanked me from the PC after a few hours! LOL!

MadMuse said...

Well, he was busy trying to figure out a graphic software and also playing Battlefield 2, so he was a bit forgiving...and undisturbed. LOL He was probably serving me food so I would stay online and not bother him all day! LOL