Saturday, May 14, 2005

My Last Week

It was crazy--
Job turnovers are never easy, especially when you only have a couple of days to do it.

It was tedious--
I stayed late every day of the week making sure I left no loose ends, and I still had some unfinished stuff that I needed to leave on to my successor.

It was wearying--
People tend to pile things on your desk that you are asked to "please try to do before you go."

It was expensive--
I got myself something nice from our jewelry company before I lost my right to the great employee discount.

It was sad--
It's hard to say goodbye to people you really like working with.

It was funny--
People were just playfully putting on a show of how sad they were to see me leave. I told them to try acting if they ever got laid off.

It was fattening--
I was invited out to lunch all week and told to order whatever I wanted.

It was bittersweet--
The London staff sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers to say goodbye. It got me all choked up.

It was revealing--
You never really know how much you're appreciated and liked until you're about to leave.

It's exciting--
I'm always excited when I am on the verge of a new chapter in life. Change, though sometimes unnerving, has always brought me a new understanding of myself and how God is working on me. I decided early in life, no matter how much fear I have, to try not to shrink away from change. Whether it's a step back or a step forward, I say a prayer, coach my attitude, clench my teeth and meet change head on. So it's first day for me on Monday. Ready, get set, GO!

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