Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Deceive to Achieve?

The media doctoring of the fireworks presentation of the Olympic opening which was actually shot on a another, clearer night in Beijing; a "cuter" little girl lipsynching "Ode to the Motherland" because the original singer, Yang Pei Yi, was deemed not "flawless in image, internal feelings, and expression" by the Chinese politburo; and to cap it off, the pre-pubescent looking female gymnasts that they all claim are the minimum age requirement of 16 when previous records in competitions in and outside China show otherwise. All are under 4'11" and 79 lbs - one of them 4'6" and 68 lbs.! I was a little shrimp at 16 but I was still bigger than that. These are a few incidents that have arisen and marred the 2008 Olympic Games in the eyes of many.

What other surprises await the world in Beijing? How many more will be uncovered and how many will forever remain hidden? Do you believe that the Chinese Olympic committee members are willing to deceive in order to achieve? Coming from a country where most of the world's fake/imitation apparel and accessory goods come from, you can guess where my inclination lies. Er...was that a pun? Never mind...

Oh, and Yang Pei Yi IS cute and adorable. I'm sure a lot will agree.


Anonymous said...

yes, Yang Pei Yi is indeed cute, i don't know whats wrong with the chinese. I think its more than being flawless something i have in mind but im not sure.

Anonymous said...

They are indeed trying to look good to the rest of the world. Even some of the fireworks were faked.

Beijing Olympic 2008 ceremony giant firework footprints 'faked'