Sunday, December 16, 2007

Slowing Down

It's been a while, I know. I've had thoughts I wanted to write down but my schedule has been pretty intense in the last two months. Things are slowing down a bit though. Thank goodness for the holidays as people take time off and the work pace goes down half a notch. Work and show stress will be replaced by holiday shopping stress. Well, at least for a week. It's really just one thing instead of the other, I guess!

The reason for a very intense work schedule is, I am in the process of transitioning from one job to another. I have recently switched to a new role in another line of business but I'm still doing my old job until I can find a replacement. All this with one paycheck, of course! I spent a couple of days in Chicago trying to do just that early this week. Hopefully, we will have identified someone for my old role by next week because I don't know how much longer I can stay sane being stretched this way! Please, Lord, let one of the candidates I've identified be the chosen one!

As for the King and I, our show wrapped up today. Not in the way that we all would have liked it, but because of a storm that pummeled New England and the whole Northeastern US. So we had no last show nor did we have a cast party. What a shame! Hopefully, we will all get together once the holiday craziness is over to properly say our goodbyes after a great run. It was a great cast - no divas, just warm people who have good attitude. I'm certainly going to miss them!

So instead of a fun cast party to top off a great experience, Hubby and I spent half of the day digging our car out and shoveling our pathway and driveway. Being the gem that he is, Hubby went on to help a neighbor who was shoveling her long driveway after ours was done as I went in to prepare a late and hot brunch for us. He did the same for the elderly neighbor next door during Thursday's storm. Her husband just had a heart attack so she, ill with cancer, was trying to shovel the front of her house.

Leave it to my Hubby to do such heart-warming deeds despite the arctic blast. It sure warms up my winter.


Lush but Lucid said...

This last little gem of yours gave me the goosebumps, it's great to know people like Michael still exist in this world. I hope you have a wonderful time in this festive season without too much shopping frenzy and I hope the right candidate gives you a break at work!
Would have been great to have seen you in the King and I, still nothing on utube:(
Kisses to both of you, Marina Croatia

MadMuse said...

Marina - I can't feel the season yet and it's 2 days away from Christmas eve, but thanks for the good wishes! I miss you!