Sunday, August 12, 2007

House Stuff

It only took us nine months, but we have finally picked up the paint brushes and started painting the second level of the house. Last December, we finished all the rooms on the first floor, except those that we plan to remodel. That's when we parked up all the painting paraphernalia in the basement and decided to wait until summer to do the rest of the house. We have been dragging our feet since then.

Yesterday, we somehow found ourselves taping all the moldings at mid-afternoon. We've changed our minds on some colors and we've been perusing the Benjamin Moore site for alternatives. I'm glad we waited a bit to do this as the colors we chose before does not seem as appealing as the ones we have now. Hopefully, it will take only another weekend to finish.

We've also had our baptism of fire in lawn mowing, weed-pulling, etc. Home ownership and maintenance is not a picnic. Although when I'm killing weeds and I look across the lawn and see Hubby catch my eye and smile as he is trimming the plants and trees, it just makes it all worthwhile.

1 comment:

... said...

I want to see before/after pics of your house!