Thursday, April 12, 2007

Snooty Old Lady

A colleague and I were chatting about work in a local Starbucks across our building. As she was talking about the new line of business that we had, an old lady who was reading one chair away from us at the counter, tapped her on the shoulder.

Lady: "Excuse, me, could you keep your voice down....?"
Colleague: "Oh...sorry..." She looks at the lady in surprise and turns to me in puzzlement.
Lady: "'s a public place!" She adds haughtily.
Me: "Exactly. So if you want a quiet place to read. Go to a library."

There was music blaring and the baristas were taking orders loudly. I didn't understand why she thought my colleague's voice made it any worse. After simmering for a bit, she gathered up her stuff in a huff and took her little bum out of the place.

I know it was not good of me to snap. I just couldn't stand the little attitude and tone that she had when she addressed my colleague, not to mention her very lame reason for asking her to hush up. Grrr...

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