Sunday, January 07, 2007

Frosted Flakes

I'm not referring to the cereal. I'm alluding to people who are unreliable - or as the slang says, "flaky". You can't depend on anything they say because no matter how much they assure you that they're going to do something, it just does not happen. The worse kind is the "frosted" - because most of the time, the words that come out of this kind of flakes' mouths are sugar-coated. It's almost like they add the sweetness to make the taste of their BS more apparent when you finally get screwed over.

Nothing gets my goat more than someone who has long promised me something and then not doing it. Especially when what I'm asking from them (which should not cost them money at all if it was planned ahead) is something that I need in order to do the costly favor that they were asking of me in the first place. I have experienced flakiness before, but this kind of took the cake.

Never again will I be scrambling at the last minute, on my own dime, to find what I need, in order to fulfill a favor that has been asked of me. If you don't keep your end of our agreement, no longer will I worry about keeping mine - no matter how much time, effort and money I've already invested into it. Go find someone else to flake out on.

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