Tuesday, January 10, 2006

White on White

Like everyone else, we just had a crazy holiday season. That's the reason why this blog's decor has been white on white in the last several days.

In the last three weekends, we went from skiing in New Hampshire, to Christmas eve in Massachussetts, to New Year's eve in Florida, and to an Orthodox Christmas dinner in New York. And we did not fly, we drove. Hubby and I enjoy driving a lot. We have in each other, a captive audience, when we're in the car together for hours talking about anything and everything. We had a lot of fun but my mind and body is still recovering from it all.

I have been slow in responding to emails, text messages, phone calls and I couldn't really blog. A thousand little thoughts are racing through my mind but I just can't seem to focus on any one topic to write about. I think it's my brain's way of relaxing and recharging. It just seems that it really doesn't want to ponder much on anything right now, no matter how strongly I feel about it. It's almost like all the frantic activities kicked up the thoughts in my mind like a huge cloud dust. As soon as it settles, I think I'll be all set to go again.

Until then, I hope everyone's having a good and meaningful start to the New Year.

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