Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Morbid or Just Realistic?

What would you do if you found out you had but a short time left to live?

Hubby and I had this discussion last night. Someone dear to us continues his 15-year battle with cancer and while we rejoice over the gift of one more day each day he wins his battle, it is something that has put our own mortality in the forefront of our minds.

It occurred to me though that while his enemy is known, ours might not be revealed to us until that time comes. There’s the undiagnosed ailment, the drunk driver, the murderer, the freak accident, the natural disaster, etc. Any of these could cut our lives short. If we knew that destiny has set our end date for tomorrow, would we be happy with the things that we have done? How have we led our lives? Would we feel that we have properly spent the time that was given to us? How negatively or positively did we impact the lives of the people around us? If people recall our last utterance to them, would they say it was edifying or hurtful? Have we inspired people to live better lives or do we serve as a warning? What legacy would we leave behind? And I don’t mean in terms of money or property. That’s probably because I have neither! :)

I decided early on in my walk that I would cease every opportunity to really try and have a positive impact, even on PMS days. Whether it’s for family, friend or those who consider me their foe. I guess for each of us, there would be a share of people who would think you led a fruitful life, and a group that would think otherwise. Indeed, no one is perfect. I do hope that somehow, the ayesayers would outweigh the naysayers. But in the end, I really will only care about one. God… that He says “Aye!”

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