Thursday, December 09, 2004

A Real Trouper

Hubby's been such an extremely good sport. Before I joined this show I'm doing, I asked him if he would be willing to come with me to rehearsals so I would not have to travel alone. He readily agreed and said that it would be a great experience for me. He has made good on his word and accompanies me to every single rehearsal. He seems to be enjoying the process of the entire thing and seeing the show slowly take shape. I know that he is really tired sometimes after work, but he gamely goes with me still. He has not complained one bit considering our rehearsals are four times a week. He says he's quite happy acting as my personal assistant, i.e. carrying my bag and accompanying me home, and takes pleasure in seeing me do what I love. What a sweetheart he is! And no, he's by no means a stage husband as he never interferes or makes demands. It's such a blessing to have someone who is secure with himself and not feel 'upstaged' at all by anything I do. I have seen relationships suffer and break because the partner is insecure and does not understand an artist's life or is threatened by it. Those of you who know me personally know exactly what I mean!


Hubby accepts and loves me for who I am, morning look or not. He delights in my silly and weird ways, and takes pride in that. I know he'll be quite embarrassed when he reads this. But this is one small way I can show him that I am thankful I have him in my life.


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