Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good Knight, Sleep Well

I was having a conversation over the phone with our Business Support Manager and in the middle of our discussion she exclaimed, "Heath Ledger died! They found him in his apartment!" I asked her if she was sure that she wasn't pertaining to Brad Renfro who died last week. She said, "No! I'm reading it in CNN!"

At first, I was sad. Brad Renfro, the former child actor who debuted in "The Client" and Oscar nominee, Heath Ledger, both young, promising actors following the steps of that other tragic figure, River Phoenix. But the more I thought about it later on, the more mad I got rather than sad. All that talent, life, possibility, opportunity and future gone too soon because of poor choices.

Is it another case of having too much too soon? It seems to be with a lot of these young celebrities. These unnecessary deaths should serve as a warning to the others who seem to be headed down that same path. At least, something good would come out of this tragedy.

Who would have thought this Knight's tale would have such a sad ending?

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