Sunday, February 04, 2007

Katy the Western Westie

The experts weren't exaggerating when they said that the West Highland White Terrier is a highly intelligent breed of dogs. Katy has just wrapped up her second day with us, and she has astounded us with the speed in which she learns things. This 9-week-old little Westie pup has already learned to "sit" and use the puppy pads when unable to go outside to do her "business". The challenge will be to keep this very sharp puppy constantly stimulated so she does not get bored and destructive.

It's been a very tiring but fun weekend getting to know this little thing - the morning and evening walks in sub-zero temperature, the cleaning up of little "accidents", etc. I don't know what possessed M and I to adopt a dog as having one is such a responsibility. I guess that's what couples do, whose nurturing instincts have overwhelmed them but are not quite ready for a baby just yet - they get a dog!


Anonymous said...

OMG, you actually got one after the experience with Chloe!!! Katy is sooooo cute!!! h

MadMuse said...

Sobrang cute, no? I can't help it! Now I'm going to turn into one of those freaky dog owners who is so much into their dog. Hahah!

Vicky said...

that's a lovely dog- who deserves a lovely owner. have a great day.

MadMuse said...

Thanks, Bing and Vicky! She is a delight to have - such a personality.

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, OH! A DOG! A cute one! Aaaw, you are SOOOOO lucky, Pia. He looks so adorable! Especially with the bandanna (it's my dream to have a dog with a yellow bandanna tied around his neck...) Sniff. Keep him away from me or I'll kidnap the cutie! Hehehe. Just kidding. I'm sorry for all the gushing, but he is really so adorable. Lucky, lucky, lucky!

From Kala (grumbling because I still don't have a dog, but sincerely happy that you have one)

MadMuse said...

Kala, Come visit so you can "kidnap" her for walks and such. In other words, you can dogsit for me and then you can decide if you still want a dog after all the challenge she'll make you go through. Heheh!

Anonymous said...

your katie certainly sounds a lot like my son, haha! :)