Sunday, September 11, 2005

It's Okay To Cry

I find it amusing that after so many recent studies on human behavior, some people still think that they show themselves as strong just because they don't show grief or shed a tear during a difficult time.

I believe it actually takes more courage and maturity to show vulnerability and face the emotion we feel at a particular moment. Glossing it over and faking peppiness are telltale signs of insecurity and being emotionally crippled. The great fear of appearing weak precludes any show of sentiment or feeling, lest others see a chink in the armor.

In some respect, it is true. Holding back our emotion does show some strength. But strutting about to display it, especially when others are mourning, may show a lack of wisdom and sensitivity.

It's okay to cry, really. And if you just don't feel the grief, then it would be nice to show some respect to those who do.

1 comment:

MadMuse said...

Thanks to you both for visiting my site. I will surely return the favor!