Monday, August 22, 2005

A Difficult Week

Hubby and I have had a very draining week. FIL, who suffers from cancer, developed an infection and we had to rush him to the hospital. We got there at 10:30 pm and did not get out of there until 1 pm the next day, having spent the night at the emergency room and getting him admitted to a room. We spent the rest of the week going after work, every evening to visit and also bring food to MIL, as well as to my SIL, who was visiting from Florida at that time with her two daughters. They spent their days in the hospital. My two other SILs, who are his usual caretakers, were taking a much needed vacation when it happened. It was good for them to have a break, as well as give us a chance to be able to contribute a bit more of our time to FIL's care. They tried not to worry too much as we took over, and we just kept them updated on his condition.

After four days in the hospital, FIL showed improvement and was able to speak more, eat and sit up again. So yesterday, he was discharged and he is now back home with my SILs who have returned from their short vacation. We all breathed a sigh of relief as yet one more health hiccup is overcome.

It is so hard to see a loved one in pain. Although there is something uplifting, however sad, about seeing love in action when you witness individuals being strong and brave, and doing everything they can to ease the suffering of their loved one.


Christine said...

My prayers go to you and your family. It is hard to see a loved one suffer. I looked after my Lola after her operation (to take out a cancerous tumor) because I was fresh out of uni and was the only one not working at the time and it was hard but it also showed the love and concern her family have for her. sigh...i miss her!

MadMuse said...

Thanks for your prayers, Christine! I just try to be there for the family, and somehow assist in whatever they're doing to help FIL. It's not an easy time.